Star Wars Fans are Furious


Star Wars fans have submitted a petition to Disney asking them to revoke Electronic Arts’ exclusive license to develop and publish video games set in the Star Wars universe. The primary reason for fans’ discontent is the disappointment in Star Wars games stemming from a recent scandal regarding loot crates in the shooter Star Wars: Battlefront II. According to John Hunt, the author of the petition, “EA have had the Star Wars video game license for the last 4 years, and in that time they've proven to their consumers that they honestly don't care about the gameplay experience or content.” 

Unfortunately, situations like this are hardly rare in the games industry. It once again demonstrates that studios need to work with their audiences if they want to maintain a good reputation. However, developers and publishers can’t always keep up with fans’ shifting attitudes and preferences, so sometimes it makes sense to outsource this task. For example, our experts can help game studios communicate with players from various countries on social networks, forums, and app stores.

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