Mobidictum Business Conference: the Main GameDev Event in Central Asia


Mobidictum Business Conference 2022

In September, employees from Logrus IT’s Turkish office attended the Mobidictum Business Conference, a video game industry event held at the Halic Congress Center in Istanbul.

The event was hosted by Mobidictum, the largest Central Asian news platform dedicated to game development and promotion. The Mobidictum Business Conference brought together well-known industry experts, developers, publishers, investors, and specialists from adjacent fields. Over 600 companies participated in the conference, which was attended by over 1,500 people.

Representatives from leading Turkish and foreign game development companies gave talks at the event. Their presentations touched on the most pressing issues in the game industry, including:

  • Strategies for enhancing monetization
  • New game development solutions
  • Voice-over
  • Increasing advertising effectiveness
  • Competitiveness testing
  • Data analytics
  • Using Steam and alternative platforms to develop indie games
  • Solving issues related to OS updates

Indie developers were a special focus of the Mobidictum Business Conference. Many of them presented their projects to investors and met representatives from companies that specialize in promotion, localization, monetization, and other services related to the game industry.

Mobidictum Business Conference is the largest in-person video game industry event to be held in Central Asia since the pandemic. Before it, similar events were exclusively online. We’re glad everyone connected to gamedev can meet in person again and discuss ways to grow the video game industry.

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