LocNights: Mission complete!

Localization News

While everyone else in Russia was taking a break from work and enjoying Unity Day the Logrus IT team was celebrating the three-day weekend with crunch time. We spent two sleepless night translating subtitles for a certain well-known international games conference. For the first time in the event's history the recording of the broadcast was in Russian, and it showed up in record time - the morning after it was aired live.

I’m sure we don’t need to tell you that this project required us to go full bore, including our translators, editors, and managers. A lot of people came into the office to work. Some of us kept our vigil from home in the company of our fluffy assistants. It wasn’t easy. We started getting pretty tired, so we had to rely on sushi and strong coffee to get by. But now that everything is done and it all worked out well, we definitely have something to be proud of.   

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